Eric on A Bike is to ride 1000 miles on a 16" Wheel ride for charity.

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On 30 May 2018 I'm setting off from Canterbury to cycle the 1,000 mile pilgrim route to Rome. On a three-speed folding bike with 16" wheels that people have unkindly described as "that clown bike"!  Hopefully arriving in Rome before my return journey by train on 20 June...

Along the way I'm looking to raise money for Leicester Wheels for All, a great local charity that seeks to help anyone, regardless of ability, enjoy the sheer pleasure of cycling.

To find out more, or to make a donation, please visit the web page below. And rest assured that every penny donated will go directly to the charity - I'm funding the ride myself, and unlike JustGiving, MyDonate takes no commission from donations.

Best wishes and thanks for reading

Eric Ludlow

If you would like to donate please take a look below:

Cycling the Roman Way for Leicester Wheels for All on MyDonate

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Leicester Forest